Progress in the x-ray optics and metrology lab at Diamond Light Source

In January 2007, Diamond Light Source (DLS) Ltd, the new 3rd generation national synchrotron source for the UK, welcomed its first scientific users. The successful exploitation of the intense synchrotron light produced by DLS will depend to a significant extent on the quality and performance of the optics employed in the experimental stations (beamlines). An in-house facility is required for acceptance and optimization of synchrotron optics, and for fundamental research to develop new technologies. A cleanroom laboratory has been constructed at DLS to house a suite of metrology instruments capable of characterizing state-of-the-art, synchrotron optics. A micro-interferometer and an atomic force microscope, with capability to integrate the two devices, are used to assess the atomic scale roughness of x-ray optics. A Fizeau interferometer and a slope measuring profiling system are used to measure the larger scale topography of sample surfaces. These non-contact, complementary techniques allow a broad spectrum of lateral features, from 1nm to 1m, to be probed to high accuracies. We present metrology data obtained using the instruments listed above.