Tracminer: traction‐enhancing mining equipment accessory

Explains how the Tracminer project aimed to provide a robust, low cost device to be mounted as an accessory on the motorized wheels of traction machines, in order to increase grip on loose soils. The main goal was to provide a device increasing by 30‐40 per cent the traction capacity of the given machine in soft or marshy soil working conditions. The intended device was designed to be robust and simple to adapt to existing machines. A key element of the development strategy was to provide an accessory easy to mount on the machine, which can remain “idle” (in this case, retracted) while not needed. The machine may then be operated as usual, with the opportunity to engage the accessory in action when a better ground grip is required. Such a possibility offers significant advantages for the Tracminer accessory when compared with other permanent traction enhancement solutions such as metallic frames with grids attached to the wheels, accessory caterpillars, etc.