Insight into the evolution of the Solanaceae from the parental genomes of Petunia hybrida

Rémy Bruggmann | Mario Pezzotti | Aureliano Bombarely | Nunzio D'Agostino | Zhen Yue | Robert C Schuurink | Cris Kuhlemeier | Didier Reinhardt | Haibao Tang | Jennifer D. Hintzsche | Trude Schwarzacher | Michael C Schatz | Eric Lyons | Marcos Egea-Cortines | Uwe Druege | Lukas A Mueller | Massimo Delledonne | Xiaodan Lv | Mattijs Bliek | Natalia Dudareva | M. Schatz | Haibao Tang | L. Mueller | J. Zethof | N. Fernández-Pozo | Xiaodan Lv | C. Kuhlemeier | Zhen Yue | M. Delledonne | M. Pezzotti | E. Lyons | R. Bruggmann | D. Reinhardt | N. Mattson | M. Egea-Cortines | A. Bombarely | N. D’Agostino | S. Urbanus | E. Martinoia | Eva Nouri | K. Richert-Pöggeler | M. Johns | R. Schuurink | J. Weiss | N. Dudareva | M. Bliek | T. Schwarzacher | K. Spelt | R. Koes | F. Quattrocchio | C. Barry | P. Franken | M. Bucher | M. Bao | K. Davies | M. Vandenbussche | M. Schranz | J. Heslop-Harrison | Enrico Martinoia | M Eric Schranz | M. Moser | Avichai Amrad | Laure Bapaume | Maaike R. Boersma | L. Borghi | U. Druege | L. Grandont | D. Malla | P. Morel | J. Muhlemann | V. Passeri | Qinzhou Qi | Mélanie K. Rich | T. Robbins | K. Vijverberg | Gonzalo Villarino | R. Warner | T. L. Sims | Marcel Bucher | Lorenzo Borghi | Julia Weiss | Jan Zethof | Valentina Passeri | Ronald Koes | Kees Spelt | Francesca Quattrocchio | J. Heslop-Harrison | Susan L Urbanus | Kitty Vijverberg | Michiel Vandenbussche | Thomas L Sims | Jennifer Hintzsche | Noe Fernandez-Pozo | Michel Moser | Avichai Amrad | Manzhu Bao | Laure Bapaume | Cornelius S Barry | Maaike R Boersma | Kevin Davies | Philipp Franken | Laurie Grandont | J S Heslop-Harrison | Mitrick Johns | Diwa Malla | Neil S Mattson | Patrice Morel | Joëlle Muhlemann | Eva Nouri | Qinzhou Qi | Melanie Rich | Katja R Richert-Pöggeler | Tim P Robbins | Gonzalo H Villarino | Ryan M Warner | M. E. Schranz | Joëlle K. Muhlemann | Noé Fernández-Pozo | Kees Spelt | Cornelius S. Barry | Nunzio D’Agostino | Diwa Malla | Tim P. Robbins | Laurie Grandont

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