Urban arterial work zones have several unique characteristics that have not been adequately addressed in previous research. These characteristics were identified, and traffic control guidelines for urban arterial work zones were developed. Significant research activities included a review of previous literature and current practice, analysis of traffic and accident data, surveys of motorists, measurement of the capacity of an arterial lane closure, and a signal operations analysis near a lane closure. The literature review indicated a lack of previous research, although limited portions of other work zone research were found to be useful. The review of current practice explored the opinions of traffic engineers and examined work zone traffic control manuals of local agencies. Accident, volume, and travel time data were collected and analyzed to determine trends specific to arterial work zones and to identify characteristics that needed to be addressed in the guidelines. Motorist surveys attempted to evaluate driver comprehension of work zone traffic control devices and to identify some of the more significant driver concerns about urban arterial work zones. Other study activities included investigations into arterial lane closure capacity and the relationship between traffic signals and lane closures. The research results were used to develop guidelines addressing traffic control for urban arterial work zones. Use of these guidelines should help to improve safety and traffic flow in arterial work zones.