oxyuoride silicate glass for optical bre ASE source

The paper presents optimisation of Nd 3+ /Yb 3+ ratio to enhance the emission bandwidth at 1 �m. Analysis of the energy transfer sche- me between Nd 3+ and Yb 3+ ions incorporated in oxyuoride glass was performed. The highest efciency (60 %) was measured for the equal values of absorption cross-section (Yb 3+ ) and emission cross-section (Nd 3+ ). The emission spectrum with 100 nm bandwidth of the Nd 3+ /Yb 3+ co-doped glass samples under excitation at 808 nm was determined. The fabricated glass with the highest efciency of energy transfer Nd 3+ �Yb 3+ was used as a core in helical core double clad optical �