Subtypes of psychopathy in the British household population: findings from the national household survey of psychiatric morbidity

BackgroundCleckley asserted in 1941 that psychopathic personalities are found in the community as well as prisons. Subtypes of abnormal personality may be identifiable in the general population using contemporary measures of psychopathy.MethodsCluster analysis of PCL:SV scores using the four-facet model with a representative sample of 624 adults aged 16–74 years living in households interviewed in the second of a two-phase survey in Great Britain.ResultsAnalysis confirmed an optimum 5-cluster solution and existence in the general population of prototypical or criminal psychopaths, non-psychopathic habitual criminals, and “successful psychopaths”. Two additional clusters were identified, one uniquely characterised by impulsive/irresponsible (Facet 3) items and the other by social failure associated with low scores on each facet.ConclusionsThe study confirmed previously hypothesised and two new subtypes of psychopathy within the general population. This prototypical classification may compliment existing typologies during clinical assessment following further refinement.

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