Stock Prediction using ARMA
A stock market is an institution where humans and computers buy and sell shares of companies. For many people, that is the first thing that comes to mind for investing. The goal is to buy the stock, hold it for a time, and then sell the stock for more than you paid for it. In the stock market, prices rise and fall every day. When you invest in the stock market, you are hoping that over the years, the stock will become much more valuable than the price you paid for it. But as data collected over the years shows that an individual's stock has 90% more chance to increase in value at some point over the period of investment. The project basically aims at encouraging the people about stock market investments. It works on an algorithm which predicts the most profitable stocks to invest in different companies thereby making it easier for the investors to invest wisely. It provides reliable information regarding the percent profit earned by any company and its expected gains according to studied and analysed trends. The project works on machine learning and data science.