SUAVE: a UV telescope for space weather and solar variability studies

SUAVE (Solar Ultraviolet Advanced Variability Experiment) is a far ultraviolet (FUV) imaging solar telescope of novel design for ultimate thermal stability and long lasting performances. SUAVE is a 90 mm Ritchey- Chrétien telescope with SiC (Silicon Carbide) mirrors and no entrance window for long and uncompromised observations in the UV (no coatings of mirrors, flux limited to less than a solar constant on filters to avoid degradation), associated with an ultimate thermal control (heat evacuation, focus control, stabilization). Design of the telescope and early thermal modeling leading to a representative breadboard (a R and T program supported by CNES) will be presented. SUAVE is the main instrument of the SUITS (Solar Ultraviolet Influence on Troposphere/Stratosphere) microsatellite mission, a small-size mission proposed to CNES and ESA.