Development of Condition Indexes for Building Exteriors.

Abstract : The Army's significant annual investment (about $1.1 billion) in building maintenance and repair (M&R) dictates that facility managers use some simple, practical condition assessment method to identify and prioritize maintenance requirements for all buildings. The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL) is developing the BUILDER Engineered Management System (EMS), a microcomputer-based decision support system specifically designed to standardize and add structure to the maintenance management of military buildings, but also generally applicable to all public and private buildings. BUILDER will use an objective, repeatable condition assessment method-in the form of condition indexes-to help facility managers: (1) assess current conditions, (2) predict future conditions, (3) establish deterioration rates, (4) determine and prioritize current and long range M&R needs, (5) formulate budgets, and (6) measure the effectiveness of M&R. BUILDER will require condition indexes for all the component/material combinations that comprise the many diverse building systems. This study developed the methodology to derive the needed condition indexes for exterior closure systems.