A portable, real-time, clinical gait velocity analysis system.

A direct ultrasound ranging system (DURS) has been developed for the quantitative evaluation of gait velocity. DURS consists of a transponder worn by the subject, a base unit infrared (IR) emitter/ultrasound (US) receiver, and a laptop computer. During gait analysis the transponder is worn by the subject at the approximate level of the body center of mass. As the subject walks away from the base unit his or her forward progression is displayed in real-time on the computer. At the end of the walking trial the instantaneous velocity profile, or gait velocigram (GVG), for that trial is displayed on the computer screen. From the GVG, parameters such as, gait speed, cadence, step length, step time, peak-to-peak variation, and time to achieve steady state walking are calculated and displayed. In addition gait deviations are readily apparent on the GVG.