건설사업장의 날림먼지 및 소음 저감 기술 적용사례 비교분석

This study carried out to propose the optimum technologies that can be applicable to noise and fugitive dust controlling in construction sites by comparative analysis in cases. The ninety three environmental management technologies applied to fifty-five construction projects conducted during 2005-2007 in Korea were analyzed by checklist method. The construction companies paid more attention to the noise fugitive dust controlling technologies than the waste and wastewater. The diverse pollution controlling techniques were applied to the architectural projects than the civil projects to meet the environmental requirements in residential area. The fugitive dust controlling technologies(75.3%) were more widely applied to all construction projects than the noise controlling technologies(24.7%). As the nose controlling techniques, the noise barriers in wall-form which are set up as boundary in construction site were more widely used than the noise barriers in curtain-form, in cabin and silencers. Water spraying systems, wind barriers and mechanical sweepers were the preferred technologies for controlling fugitive dust emission.