Total Quality: Management, Organization and Strategy, 4th Edition

The book concludes with all explanation of the authors' "Continuous \i~ibility \\beel." ....hich issaid tobe a remedy for overcoming the paradox ofexcellence. The huh 01 the •feel contains U~ goo! 01 the organization, which isslated as: "Continuous reinfon::ement ofyour distinguishing value-e-m a socially acceptable manner." (p. 18-1) The steel consists offin' elements thai range from "Discover the expectations" to "Deliver the infonnalion needed (0 keep your value in the minds ofyour customers and your employees." The bmity ofthis concluding chapter leaves the reader ....tth little other than talking points fora discussion ofthe story. Of course, that is the point to ponder tbeParadox of f;m4'el1ce ill one'smindandwith others,