Dynamics on Networks of Cluster States for Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators

Systems of globally coupled phase oscillators can have robust attractors that are heteroclinic networks. We investigate such a heteroclinic network between partially synchronized states where the phases cluster into three groups. For the coupling considered there exist 30 different three-cluster states in the case of five oscillators. We study the structure of the heteroclinic network and demonstrate that it is possible to navigate around the network by applying small impulsive inputs to the oscillator phases. This paper shows that such navigation may be done reliably even in the presence of noise and frequency detuning, as long as the input amplitude dominates the noise strength and the detuning magnitude, and the time between the applied pulses is in a suitable range. Furthermore, we show that, by exploiting the heteroclinic dynamics, frequency detuning can be encoded as a spatiotemporal code. By changing a coupling parameter we can stabilize the three-cluster states and replace the heteroclinic network...

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