Metadata and Data Standards
This chapter discusses the use of data standards relying on common metadata definitions as a way to formalize data element metadata, and as a byproduct, information structure, and meanings. Looking at the relationship between the need for standard data exchange and assessing the various uses of data concepts help collate organizational metadata as a way to document data quality assertions in conjunction with data element definitions. Data standards and metadata management provide a basis for harmonizing business rules, and consequently data quality rules from multiple sources of data across the organization. Some general processes for data standards and metadata management are discussed in the chapter; evaluating the specific needs within an organization can lead to the definition of concrete information and functional requirements. In turn, the data quality team uses these requirements to identify candidate metadata management tools that support the types of activities described in the chapter. Solid metadata management supports more than just data quality; a focused effort on standardizing the definitions, semantics, and structure of critical data elements can be leveraged when isolating data quality expectations for downstream information consumers. These processes also highlight the data elements that are likely candidates for continuous inspection and monitoring as described as part of the data quality service level agreement.