Half pitch 14 nm direct pattering with Nanoimprint lithography

We developed a nanoimprint lithography (NIL) technology including NIL system, template and resist process for half pitch (hp) 14 nm direct pattering. The latest NIL system NZ2C shows the mix and match overlay (MMO) of 3.4 nm ($3\sigma$) and the template life around 125 lots. Throughput of 80 wafers per hour (wph) was demonstrated using throughput enhancement solutions, such as gas permeable spin-on-carbon (GP-SOC) and multi field dispense (MFD). The hp 14 nm template was fabricated by a self-aligned double patterning (SADP) on a template. Using this template, we fabricated hp 14 nm dense Si lines with a depth of 50 nm on a 300 mm wafer.