Improving electron beam quality of the Boeing free electron laser

Abstract The successful operation of any free electron laser (FEL) is critically dependent upon electron beam quality. In a radiofrequency (rf) accelerator the micropulse or instantaneous beam emittance and peak current is established by the injector, however, it is important to maintain this beam's quality as it is accelerated and transported to the wiggler. In the past year, work has continued to enhance the electron beam of the Boeing FEL. The previous year's improvements in levelling the gun charge during the macropulse and rf power flatness were reported in the 1989 FEL conference. More recent work has concentrated upon the rf master oscillator and electron beam transport, which have lead to reduced macropulse energy spread, as well as decreased position and angle jitter. Also some electron beam diagnostics have been upgraded. The result has been lower macropulse emittance at the entrance to the wiggler.