A Monte Carlo simulation tool for evaluating space launch and re-entry operations

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the MITRE Corporation (MITRE), among other entities, are working together to integrate space launch and re-entry operations into the National Airspace System (NAS). As part of the effort, MITRE is building a flexible, fast-time Monte Carlo modeling and simulation capability that offers operational measures of safety. Once validated, the FAA can use it to assess different separation concepts and associated standards, and support the FAA's Safety Management System process. The developed capability will help the FAA determine what separation concepts and associated standards ensure safety for each space launch and re-entry operation and will provide insight into the required surveillance performance, air traffic control response times, and traffic limits to enable new separation concepts. MITRE built the capability using our models for aircraft flight trajectories, aircraft-to-aircraft conflict prediction and detection, and surveillance performance. To tailor these models for use in examining space launch and re-entry operations, MITRE also developed a space vehicle trajectory model and debris model (based on Stanford University's work-Range Safety Assessment Tool) for use in the simulation of the scenarios. This paper focuses on describing the modeling capabilities, algorithms, and some preliminary simulation results.