[1]  Alfredo R. Huete,et al.  Evaluation of sensor calibration uncertainties on vegetation indices for MODIS , 2000, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[2]  Alfredo R. Huete,et al.  Derivation of vegetation isoline equations in red-NIR reflectance space , 2000, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[3]  A. Huete,et al.  MODIS Vegetation Index Compositing Approach: A Prototype with AVHRR Data , 1999 .

[4]  H. Yoshioka Applications of transport theory in optical remote sensing of land surfaces , 1999 .

[5]  A. Huete,et al.  Vegetation detection through smoke‐filled AVIRIS images: An assessment using MODIS band passes , 1998 .

[6]  A. Huete,et al.  Evaluation of the MODIS vegetation index compositing algorithm using SeaWiFS data , 1998, IGARSS '98. Sensing and Managing the Environment. 1998 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Symposium Proceedings. (Cat. No.98CH36174).

[7]  David P. Roy,et al.  MODIS land data storage, gridding, and compositing methodology: Level 2 grid , 1998, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[8]  Alan H. Strahler,et al.  The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): land remote sensing for global change research , 1998, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[9]  T. Nakajima,et al.  Optimization of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II Global Imager channels by use of radiative transfer calculations. , 1998, Applied optics.

[10]  W. Lucht Expected retrieval accuracies of bidirectional reflectance and albedo from EOS-MODIS and MISR angular sampling , 1998 .

[11]  Jeffrey L. Privette,et al.  MODIS Land Validation Plan , 1998 .

[12]  J. Privette,et al.  Estimating spectral albedo and nadir reflectance through inversion of simple BRDF models with AVHRR/MODIS‐like data , 1997 .

[13]  A. Huete,et al.  Quality assurance of global vegetation index compositing algorithms using AVHRR data , 1997, IGARSS'97. 1997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. Remote Sensing - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development.

[14]  Michael J. Barnsley,et al.  Global retrieval of bidirectional reflectance and albedo over land , 1997 .

[15]  C. Justice,et al.  Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces: Background, operational algorithm and validation , 1997 .

[16]  P. Teillet Effects of spectral, spatial, and radiometric characteristics on remote sensing vegetation indices of forested regions , 1997 .

[17]  Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea,et al.  Relations between Directional SpectralVegetation Indices and Leaf Area andAbsorbed Radiation in Alfalfa , 1997 .

[18]  D. Roy,et al.  Investigation of the maximum Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the maximum surface temperature (Ts) AVHRR compositing procedures for the extraction of NDVI and Ts over forest , 1997 .

[19]  Didier Tanré,et al.  Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, 6S: an overview , 1997, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[20]  C. Tucker,et al.  Increased plant growth in the northern high latitudes from 1981 to 1991 , 1997, Nature.

[21]  Lee A. Vierling,et al.  Differences in arctic tundra vegetation type and phenology as seen using bidirectional radiometry in the early growing season , 1997 .

[22]  J. Cihlar,et al.  Multitemporal, multichannel AVHRR data sets for land biosphere studies—Artifacts and corrections , 1997 .

[23]  A. Huete,et al.  A comparison of vegetation indices over a global set of TM images for EOS-MODIS , 1997 .

[24]  Y. Kerr,et al.  On current compositing algorithms , 1997 .

[25]  A. Huete,et al.  Comparison of vegetation index compositing scenarios: BRDF versus maximum VI approaches , 1996, IGARSS '96. 1996 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.

[26]  D. Tanré,et al.  Strategy for direct and indirect methods for correcting the aerosol effect on remote sensing: From AVHRR to EOS-MODIS , 1996 .

[27]  William J. Emery,et al.  Optimal sampling conditions for estimating grassland parameters via reflectance , 1996, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[28]  P. Teillet,et al.  On the Dark Target Approach to Atmospheric Correction of Remotely Sensed Data , 1995 .

[29]  C. Elvidge,et al.  Comparison of broad-band and narrow-band red and near-infrared vegetation indices , 1995 .

[30]  Aisheng Wu,et al.  Effects of land cover type and greenness on advanced very high resolution radiometer bidirectional reflectances : analysis and removal , 1995 .

[31]  Ranga B. Myneni,et al.  The interpretation of spectral vegetation indexes , 1995, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[32]  Hui Qing Liu,et al.  A feedback based modification of the NDVI to minimize canopy background and atmospheric noise , 1995, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[33]  Bernard Pinty,et al.  The effect of surface anisotropy and viewing geometry on the estimation of NDVI from AVHRR , 1995 .

[34]  Yann Kerr,et al.  Geographical, biological and remote sensing aspects of the hydrologic atmospheric pilot experiment in the sahel (HAPEX-Sahel) , 1995 .

[35]  C. Justice,et al.  The 1 km resolution global data set: needs of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme† , 1994 .

[36]  John R. G. Townshend,et al.  Global data sets for land applications from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer: an introduction , 1994 .

[37]  S. Liang,et al.  The University of Maryland improved Global Vegetation Index product , 1994 .

[38]  J. Faundeen,et al.  The 1 km AVHRR global land data set: first stages in implementation , 1994 .

[39]  S. Kalluri,et al.  The Pathfinder AVHRR land data set: An improved coarse resolution data set for terrestrial monitoring , 1994 .

[40]  A. Strahler,et al.  Characteristics of composited AVHRR data and problems in their classification , 1994 .

[41]  C. Justice,et al.  The generation of global fields of terrestrial biophysical parameters from the NDVI , 1994 .

[42]  C. Justice,et al.  Development of vegetation and soil indices for MODIS-EOS , 1994 .

[43]  R. Waring,et al.  The normalized difference vegetation index of small Douglas-fir canopies with varying chlorophyll concentrations , 1994 .

[44]  J. Franklin,et al.  Radiative transfer in shrub savanna sites in Niger: preliminary results from HAPEX-Sahel. 3. Optical dynamics and vegetation index sensitivity to biomass and plant cover , 1994 .

[45]  Richard H. Waring,et al.  Environmental Limits on Net Primary Production and Light‐Use Efficiency Across the Oregon Transect , 1994 .

[46]  A. Huete,et al.  A Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index , 1994 .

[47]  John L. Barker,et al.  MODIS. Volume 2: MODIS level 1 geolocation, characterization and calibration algorithm theoretical basis document, version 1 , 1994 .

[48]  J. Cihlar,et al.  AVHRR bidirectional reflectance effects and compositing , 1994 .

[49]  Josef Cihlar,et al.  Evaluation of compositing algorithms for AVHRR data over land , 1994, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[50]  R. Myneni,et al.  Atmospheric effects and spectral vegetation indices , 1994 .

[51]  J. Muller,et al.  Terrestrial remote sensing science and algorithms planned for EOS/MODIS , 1994 .

[52]  Hui Qing Liu,et al.  An error and sensitivity analysis of the atmospheric- and soil-correcting variants of the NDVI for the MODIS-EOS , 1994, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[53]  Barry N. Taylor,et al.  Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of Nist Measurement Results , 2017 .

[54]  W. Bausch Soil background effects on reflectance-based crop coefficients for corn☆ , 1993 .

[55]  P. Pinter Solar angle independence in the relationship between absorbed PAR and remotely sensed data for Alfalfa , 1993 .

[56]  A. Bégué Leaf area index, intercepted photosynthetically active radiation, and spectral vegetation indices: A sensitivity analysis for regular-clumped canopies , 1993 .

[57]  D. M. Moss,et al.  Red edge spectral measurements from sugar maple leaves , 1993 .

[58]  M. S. Moran,et al.  Interpretation of vegetation indices derived from multi-temporal SPOT images , 1993 .

[59]  Claus Buschmann,et al.  In vivo spectroscopy and internal optics of leaves as basis for remote sensing of vegetation , 1993 .

[60]  W. Verhoef,et al.  LAI estimation by means of the WDVI: A sensitivity analysis with a combined PROSPECT‐SAIL model , 1993 .

[61]  B. Holben,et al.  Calibration of the AVHRR visible and near-IR bands by atmospheric scattering, ocean glint and desert reflection , 1993 .

[62]  C. Rao,et al.  Degradation of the visible and near-infrared channels of the advanced very high resolution radiometer on the NOAA-9 spacecraft : assessment and recommendations for corrections , 1993 .

[63]  E. Iso,et al.  Measurement Uncertainty and Probability: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement , 1995 .

[64]  Christopher O. Justice,et al.  Remote Sensing of the Sahelian Environment. , 1992 .

[65]  Christopher Justice,et al.  The impact of misregistration on change detection , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[66]  A. Huete,et al.  Normalization of multidirectional red and NIR reflectances with the SAVI , 1992 .

[67]  B. Choudhury,et al.  Spatial heterogeneity in vegetation canopies and remote sensing of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation: A modeling study , 1992 .

[68]  N. Che,et al.  Survey of radiometric calibration results and methods for visible and near infrared channels of NOAA-7, -9, and -11 AVHRRs , 1992 .

[69]  A. Belward,et al.  The Best Index Slope Extraction ( BISE): A method for reducing noise in NDVI time-series , 1992 .

[70]  W. Schlesinger,et al.  The global carbon dioxide flux in soil respiration and its relationship to vegetation and climate , 1992 .

[71]  M. Leroy,et al.  Evidence of surface reflectance bidirectional effects from a NOAA/ AVHRR multi-temporal data set , 1992 .

[72]  Didier Tanré,et al.  Atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI) for EOS-MODIS , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[73]  C. Daughtry,et al.  Spectral estimates of absorbed radiation and phytomass production in corn and soybean canopies , 1992 .

[74]  S. Goward,et al.  Vegetation canopy PAR absorptance and the normalized difference vegetation index - An assessment using the SAIL model , 1992 .

[75]  S. Hooker An overview of SeaWiFS and ocean color , 1992 .

[76]  W. Paul Menzel,et al.  Remote sensing of cloud, aerosol, and water vapor properties from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) , 1992, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[77]  R. Jackson,et al.  Interpreting vegetation indices , 1991 .

[78]  E. Middleton Solar zenith angle effects on vegetation indices in tallgrass prairie , 1991 .

[79]  C. Hutchinson,et al.  Uses of satellite data for famine early warning in sub-Saharan Africa , 1991 .

[80]  C. Tucker,et al.  Investigation of soil influences in AVHRR red and near-infrared vegetation index imagery , 1991 .

[81]  S. Prince A model of regional primary production for use with coarse resolution satellite data , 1991 .

[82]  W. Dulaney,et al.  Normalized difference vegetation index measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer , 1991 .

[83]  F. Baret,et al.  Potentials and limits of vegetation indices for LAI and APAR assessment , 1991 .

[84]  Garik Gutman,et al.  Vegetation indices from AVHRR: An update and future prospects , 1991 .

[85]  C. Justice,et al.  Global land cover classification by remote sensing: present capabilities and future possibilities , 1991 .

[86]  D. Flittner,et al.  Stability of narrow-band filter radiometers in the solar-reflective range , 1991 .

[87]  A. J. Richardson,et al.  Vegetation indices in crop assessments , 1991 .

[88]  C. Long,et al.  Global distribution of cloud cover derived from NOAA/AVHRR operational satellite data , 1991 .

[89]  Darrel L. Williams,et al.  An off-nadir-pointing imaging spectroradiometer for terrestrial ecosystem studies , 1991, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..

[90]  F. Baret,et al.  PROSPECT: A model of leaf optical properties spectra , 1990 .

[91]  B. Holben,et al.  NOAA-11 AVHRR visible and near-IR inflight calibration , 1990 .

[92]  Jerry F. Franklin,et al.  Contributions of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program , 1990 .

[93]  Michael D. Steven,et al.  High resolution derivative spectra in remote sensing , 1990 .

[94]  F. Baret,et al.  A ratio vegetation index adjusted for soil brightness , 1990 .

[95]  Alfredo Huete,et al.  Assessment of vegetation and soil water regimes in partial canopies with optical remotely sensed data. , 1990 .

[96]  F. Hall,et al.  Use of narrow-band spectra to estimate the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation , 1990 .

[97]  M. S. Moran,et al.  Three methods for the absolute calibration of the NOAA AVHRR sensors in-flight , 1990 .

[98]  S. Running,et al.  Mapping Regional Forest Evapotranspiration And Photosynthesis By Coupling Satellite Data With Ecosystem Simulation , 1989, 10th Annual International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[99]  S. Running Estimating Terrestrial Primary Productivity by Combining Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Simulation , 1990 .

[100]  R. Dean Graetz,et al.  Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystem Structure: An Ecologist’s Pragmatic View , 1990 .

[101]  F. Baret,et al.  TSAVI: A Vegetation Index Which Minimizes Soil Brightness Effects On LAI And APAR Estimation , 1989, 12th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,.

[102]  J. Clevers Application of a weighted infrared-red vegetation index for estimating leaf Area Index by Correcting for Soil Moisture , 1989 .

[103]  F. X. Kneizys,et al.  Users Guide to LOWTRAN 7 , 1988 .

[104]  A. Huete A soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) , 1988 .

[105]  M. F. Gross,et al.  Continental scale variability in vegetation reflectance and its relationship to canopy morphology , 1988 .

[106]  Ramakrishna R. Nemani,et al.  Relating seasonal patterns of the AVHRR vegetation index to simulated photosynthesis and transpiration of forests in different climates , 1988 .

[107]  S. M. Singh Simulation of solar zenith angle effect on global vegetation index (GVI) data , 1988 .

[108]  N. Goel Models of vegetation canopy reflectance and their use in estimation of biophysical parameters from reflectance data , 1988 .

[109]  V. Salomonson,et al.  MODIS: advanced facility instrument for studies of the Earth as a system , 1989 .

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[111]  Bhaskar J. Choudhury,et al.  Relationships between vegetation indices, radiation absorption, and net photosynthesis evaluated by a sensitivity analysis , 1987 .

[112]  Inez Y. Fung,et al.  Application of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer vegetation index to study atmosphere‐biosphere exchange of CO2 , 1987 .

[113]  J. C. Price Calibration of satellite radiometers and the comparison of vegetation indices , 1987 .

[114]  B. Holben Characteristics of maximum-value composite images from temporal AVHRR data , 1986 .

[115]  R. Jackson,et al.  Spectral response of architecturally different wheat canopies , 1986 .

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[117]  P. Sellers Canopy reflectance, photosynthesis and transpiration , 1985 .

[118]  C. Justice,et al.  Analysis of the phenology of global vegetation using meteorological satellite data , 1985 .

[119]  Compton J. Tucker,et al.  Directional reflectance factor distributions for cover types of Northern Africa , 1985 .

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