Given two points a=(a<subscrpt>1</subscrpt>,a<subscrpt>2</subscrpt>,…,a<subscrpt>d</subscrpt>) and b=(b<subscrpt>1</subscrpt>,b<subscrpt>2</subscrpt>,…,b<subscrpt>d</subscrpt>) in d-dimensional space, a dominates b if a≠b and for each i=1…d holds a<subscrpt>i</subscrpt>≥b<subscrpt>i</subscrpt>. The direct dominance problem consists of computing a relation of minimal size on a given set of n points such that the transitive closure of the relation gives all the dominances in the set. We present an &Ogr;(n log n +k) time and &Ogr;(n) space algorithm for the problem of two-dimensional space. The algorithm is optimal within a constant factor. Further, we show that the three-dimensional problem can be solved in &Ogr;((n+k) log<supscrpt>2</supscrpt>n) time and space, or alternatively in &Ogr;((n+k) log<supscrpt>3</supscrpt>n) time and &Ogr;((n+k)log n) space.
Edward M. Reingold,et al.
Binary Search Trees of Bounded Balance
SIAM J. Comput..
D. Wood,et al.
Data structures for the rectangle containment and enclosure problems
George S. Lueker,et al.
A transformation for adding range restriction capability to dynamic data structures for decomposable
D. T. Lee,et al.
An Improved Algorithm for the Rectangle Enclosure Problem
J. Algorithms.
Herbert Edelsbrunner,et al.
On the Intersection of Orthogonal Objects
Inf. Process. Lett..
Mark H. Overmars,et al.
On the Equivalence of Some Rectangle Problems
Inf. Process. Lett..
Derick Wood,et al.
The parenthesis tree
Inf. Sci..