High speed packaging solutions for LiNbO3 electro-optical modulator

The increasing bandwidth demand from the telecom market, driven mainly by video application, is requiring high bit rate optical transmission systems. In this scenario the LiNbO3 modulator is playing a key role as core optical component of the transponder both at 10Gb/s and at higher bit rates. The competition among the component makers is driven by different factors: for 10Gb/s applications the cost and dimensions are the key features to get market share; for 40Gb/s applications RF performances with the new modulation formats (Duobinary, DPSK and DQPSK) are still the main challenge to be addressed. In order to achieve these targets a strong development effort on both Lithium Niobate chip and packaging technology is required. In this paper we describe how the technical challenge on packaging is being addressed for the Avanex electro optical modulators.