The ASTD handbook of training design and delivery : a comprehensive guide to creating and delivering training programs, instructor-led, computer-based, or self-directed

Section I: Instructor-Based Section. Breathing Life Into Adult Learning. Instructional Systems Design: A Little Bit of ADDIEtude, Please. Making Trraining Active. Rapid Instructional Development. Basic Trainng: Getting Ready to Present. Technology in the Classroom: Velcro for the Mind. Using Games to Energize Dry Material. On-the-Job Training. Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. Measuring Training's Return on Investment: A Case in Point. How to Plan for Technology-Based Training. Design and Delivery of Technology-Based Training. Selecting Off-the-Shelf Courseware and Suppliers: CD-ROM, LAN, and Web. Coverting Your Curriculum: How to Choose the Right Course. Return on Investment for Technology-Based Training: Building the Business Case. Training Management Systems: The Most Important Development in Training Since the Internet. Development Teams for Creating Technology-Based Training. How to Design and Develop Technology-Based Training without Storyboards. Using Audio and Video Over the Web. Virtual Reality: Is It for You? Overview of Electronic Performance Support Systems. On-Line Training with a Distributed Learning Framework. Section III: Design and Delivery of Self-Directed Training. Make It Easier for Them to Learn on Their Own: Instructional Design for Technology-Based, Self-Instructional Applications. Learning Contracts: A Learning Technique and A Developmental Process. Performance Support Systems and Job Aids. Ensuring Transfer of Learning to the Job. Leveraging Technology for Human Performance Improvement. The Relevance of Performance Improvement to Instructional Design.