Volition and Personality: Action Versus State Orientation

Part 1 Action and state orientation - theory and assessment: a theory of action and state orientations action versus state orientation - psychometric properties of the action control scale (ACS-90) empirical findings on the action control scale in the context of the complex skill acquisition action orientation and personality - some evidence on the construct validity of the action control scale a theory of action control - mental subsystems, modes of control and volitional conflict-resolution strategies. Part 2 The formation and maintenance of intentions: state orientation and the activation and retrieval of intentions in memory volitional correlates of action versus state orientation choice of decision-making strategies volitional processes in decision-making - personality and situational determinants competing motivations or changing choices - conjectures and some data on choice-action consistency. Part 3 State orientation, stress and anxiety: action control in the context of psychopathological disorders action and state orientation during therapy of phobic disorders action control and excessive demand - effects of situational and personality factors on psychological and physiological functions during stressful transactions state versus action orientation after failure - revelance of coping strategies and related personality factors in two groups of hypertensives (with and without antihypertensive medication). Part 4 State orientation and depression: motivational and volitional determinants of depression - the degenerated-intention hypothesis volitional aspects of depression - state orientation and self-discrimination performance deficits following uncontrollable failure - impaired action control or global attributions and generalized expectancy deficits? antecedents and consequences of action versus state orientation - theoretical and empirical remarks dispositional action control as a predictor of how people cope with academic failure on depression and state orientation - a few empirical and theoretical remarks state orientation and depression - a multilevel approach. Part 5 Action and state orientation and everyday behaviour: alienation - ignoring one's preferences state orientation and procrastination scholastic stressors and achievement-related anxiety the search for information in an unfamiliar field setting as a function of action versus state orientation the role of action and state orientation in affiliative situations action control - how relevant is it for classroom learning?. Part 6 Action and state orientation and sport performance.