Decade Quad design and testing status [pulsed power generator]

The Decade Quad (DQ) is a high power generator that will be built at Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) in Tullahoma, Tennessee by the Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA). The DQ will consist of four independent command triggered pulsed power modules. The building at AEDC has been completed and has the capacity to accommodate up to four DQ machines for a total of 16 modules. Two full power modules (DM1 and DM2) have been built and tested to verify the Decade design at PRIMEX Physics International. Each module consists of a 570 kJ Marx generator that pulse charges a water transfer capacitor. The transfer capacitor discharges into a water output line through an array of six parallel triggered gas switches. The water output line then pulse charges the inductive store/opening switch pulse compression stage. When the opening switch opens, the inductive store discharges into an electron beam bremsstrahlung diode load. Two full power prototype modules have been built and tested into electron beam bremsstrahlung loads.