Risk Application on Infrastructure in Conventional Contract and Performance Based Contract from Perspective of Owner

Performance Based Contract (PBC) is a contract that integrates the activities of technical planning and construction. This contrasts with the conventional contract, a contract that separates the parts of the job based on the project life cycle. The aims of this study are to find the factors of potential risks that often occur in the project, then analyze the global weight of each risk factor. Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires and interviews. Purposive sampling method was used to distribute the questionnaires to experts. The data was then processed to obtain the criteria and sub-criteria of risk that were used to construct a hierarchy and then processed using the AHP method. Risks involved in the project were analyzed using a conventional contract and Performance Based Contract, identified by the project life cycle: The Development And Concept Phase, Design Phase, Procurement Phase, Construction Phase, and Management Phase. The identified risks are the risk that occurs in the two types of contracts. Based Contracts with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the most risk is the poor of quality control in both of conventional contract and Performance Based Contract.