A Model for the Estimation of Penetrating Wound Lethality Based on Combat Casualty Data

Abstract The probability that a given combat wound is lethal provides a quantitative basis for the assessment of wounds, comparison of body armors, and estimation of medical workload requirements in various military scenarios. The present paper describes a new lethality model for penetrating injuries. The model employs a new injury classification called PEBL. PEBL codes are constructed by appending additional significant digits to the appropriate codes from the Hospital Adaptation of the International Classification of the World Health Organization (H-ICDA Codes), widely used in both civilian and military hospitals for injury classification. PEBL attains greater specificity by providing for injury size, bone injury characteristics, partial organ damage, and distinguishing peripheral blood vessels and nerves. Probability of lethality estimates were obtained for PEBL codes based on computerized wound data available on 3600 combat casualties.