HATNet Field G205: Follow-Up Observations of 28 Transiting-Planet candidates and Confirmation of the Planet HAT-P-8b
R. Paul Butler | Debra A. Fischer | UC Berkeley | Joel D. Hartman | Carnegie | Guillermo Torres | Steven S. Vogt | Dimitar D. Sasselov | David W. Latham | Robert W. Noyes | Geoffrey W. Marcy | UC Santa Cruz | R. P. Butler | Gilbert A. Esquerdo | G. Kov'acs | D. Latham | D. Sasselov | G. Marcy | D. Fischer | G. Torres | G. Esquerdo | R. Stefanik | B. SipHocz | S. Vogt | R. Noyes | J. Hartman | U. Cruz | G. Bakos | NSF Fellow | Konkoly Observatory | SFSU | ELTE | J. L'az'ar | I. Papp | K. Observatory | Hungarian Astronomical Association | Uc Berkeley | G'eza Kov'acs | G'asp'ar 'A. Bakos | Robert P. Stefanik | G'abor Kov'acs | Sfsu | A. P'al | Istv'an Papp | G. Kov'acs | Nsf Fellow | Elte | Andr'as P'al | Brigitta SipHocz | J'ozsef L'az'ar | P'al S'ari CfA | P. S. CfA
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