for certain positive integers m(s, s’). If J is a subset of S, let W, be the subgroup generated by J. Let yJ be the character of W induced by the principal character of W, . If J and K are subsets of S, the Mackey formula for the product of induced characters [3, Theorem 44.31 tells us that ~~~ is a sum of certain induced characters, where the summation index ranges over the double coset space W,\W/W, . In a Coxeter group we have precise information about these double cosets so that the Mackey formula may be written in a more explicit way. For w E W let Z(w) denote the length of w as a word in the elements of S. Each (W, , W,) double coset contains a unique element of minimal length [l, Chap. 4, Exercise 1.31. Thus W,\W/ W, has a distinguished cross section which we denote X,, . In case J is empty we write X, = X,, for the distinguished cross section of W/W, . We shall prove in Lemma 2 of Section 2 that if x E X,, , then x-lW,x n W, = W, for some subset L of S. Thus the Mackey formula says
Jacques Tits,et al.
Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite BN-Pairs
Louis Solomon,et al.
A decomposition of the group algebra of a finite Coxeter group
C. Curtis,et al.
Representation theory of finite groups and associated algebras
R. Carter,et al.
Conjugacy classes in the Weyl group
Louis Solomon,et al.
The orders of the finite Chevalley groups
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Groupes et algèbres de Lie