Energy use in relocatable classrooms

A nine month study of four relocatables in Melbourne, each containing two classrooms and retro-fitted with various models of small reverse cycle air conditioner, found that the energy used for heating these "temporary" classrooms was only 19-20% of the energy used in permanent classrooms fitted with individual gas heaters. The energy delivered to the relocatables was calculated to be 20-27% less than that delivered to the permanent classrooms, when equipment efficiencies were considered. The reasons for this difference are explored in this paper. It was found superior insulation levels and reduced comfort levels appear to be the key factors responsible for the reduced annual heating energy demand. CO 2 emissions for the AC units in heating mode were calculated to be 16% greater than for individual gas heaters. The AC units were also used for cooling and on average the total annual energy consumption for heating and cooling was found to be just over 700 kWh or 11.6 kWh -2 m.