Molecules in natural science and medicine : an encomium for Linus Pauling

Part 1 Molecular structure: gas electron diffraction - its role in molecular structure determination some reflections on the modelling of molecules for structure analysis in gas-phase electron diffraction the early crystallographic work of Linus Pauling some problems of nitrogen stereochemistry the boron-nitrogen bond - structural investigation calculated structures and stabilities of fibrous molecules. Part 2 Quantum chemistry: some early (and lasting) contributions of Linus Pauling to quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics electronegativity, configuration energy and the periodic table electronegativity , configuration energy and the periodic table electronegativity scales BeO, the strongest neutral Lewis acid SCF - multiple scattering analysis of the electronic structure and Lewis acidity of the aluminium trihalides valence bond mixing - the "Lego Way" from resonating bonds to resonating transition-states a comparison of ab initio valence bond methods in terms of compactness and of qualitative description of the chemical bond about some doctrine conflicts dividing the valence-bond tribe the covalent radius in density functional theory bent multiple bonds in informal and hypervalent molecules Linus Pauling phosphorus - phosphorus bond distances and the strain energy of P4 theoretical studies of Mills-Nixon effect a new way of calculating bond dissociation energies characteristic electronic processes in etching reaction of silicon systematics of electron rich polyhedral molecules. Part 3 Biochemistry and biomedicine: DNH - deoxyribonucleohelicates - self-assembly of oligo-nucleosidic double-helical metal complexes non-covalent interactions and the atomic charge concept orthomolecular medicine medicine response response of human tumours to ascorbic acid and copper in the subrenal capsule assay in mice effect of ascorbic acid and its derivatives on different tumours in vitro and in vivo nephroprotoactive effect of ascorbic acid and its 6-bromo-6-deoxy derivative.