Recently, we could read in the «Tribuna Complutense» of 26th April 2005, an interesting article by Fernando Casado, United Nations coordinator for the campaign «Aims of the Millenium», titled «The Countdown for Development». In it he stated,. «there are less than ten years left for the year 2015. When in september 2000, a hundred and eighty nine Heads of State and Presidents signed the Millenium Declaration, they intended to knock down the walls of inequality existing between the rich and poor countries, generating a fairer world for all.» Today more than ever we need to go from theory —not always well consolidated— to practice. The Aims of the Millenium give us the framework to start out the «Strategic Action Plan», with expiration date, through which we can reach aim number eight: «generate a pact for development». In this present paper we analyze the role that Environmental Politics can carrry out in the quest of solutions to the stated problems, referred to the duality «development v. underdevelopment». All this without forgetting the rising importance, in its analysis and interpretation, of the scale.
Bjorn Lomborg.
El ecologista escéptico
C. Alonso-Martínez,et al.
Los socialistas utópicos: Marx y sus discípulos
Amartya Sen,et al.
Desarrollo y libertad
Samuel Morley,et al.
Política macroeconómica y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe
P. Gómez.
Teorías contemporáneas del desarrollo económico
A. L. H. Capitán.
El pensamiento económico sobre desarrollo: de los Mercantilistas al PNUD
J. L. Sampedro.
Conciencia del subdesarrollo veinticinco años después
Juan Aller.
El ecologismo de los pobres
A. Barceló.
Reproducción económica y modos de producción
R. Nurkse.
Problemas de formación de capital en los países insuficientemente desarrollados