Online Java Compiler Using Cloud Computing For Android Mobile

As we know that SAAS is a compatible services of cloud computing .It means so many services providing in cloud. Our Proposed deals with the Online Java Compiler in Android Phones. The Android phone does not compile the java program without Cloud environment. The number of smart mobile users using the mobile application and day to day increase the social application but smart phone is not providing the pc like functionality. The Android Machine provided the hardware resources such as CPUs, memory and batteries which remains imperfect. To solve this problem, connect the smart mobile to powerful cloud server .Our paper for using the SAAS service for online compile java program. We propose a conceptual architecture of android phone as a server stage, which enables user Android applications on cloud via internet or network. Android is mainly design for physical smart phone. In this paper, we propose system that without installing software in smart phone using and accessing that software through the clod server. We are sing the java software in cloud server and accessing that software through the smart mobile phone and execute the program in smart phone. The smart phone connects to the cloud server after that sing the java software. In my proposed system using the java software in server side and connect through the internet .The smart system using the java software in server side and connect through the internet .The smart phone is using run the java program inside the cloud server. Keyword: Cloud computing, java compiler, Load Balancing, cloud server