Acoustic and electromagnetic properties of soils saturated with salt water and NAPL

Abstract Electrical, seismic, and electromagnetic methods can be used for noninvasive determination of subsurface physical and chemical properties. In particular, we consider the evaluation of water salinity and the detection of surface contaminants. Most of the relevant properties are represented by electric conductivity, P-wave velocity, and dielectric permittivity. Hence, it is important to obtain relationships between these measurable physical quantities and soil composition, saturation, and frequency. Conductivity in the geoelectric frequency range is obtained with Pride's model for a porous rock. (The model considers salinity and permeability.) White's model of patchy saturation is used to calculate the P-wave velocity and attenuation. Four cases are considered: light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) pockets in water, dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) pockets in water, LNAPL pockets in air, and DNAPL pockets in air. The size of the pockets (or pools), with respect to the signal wavelength, is modeled by the theory. The electromagnetic properties in the GPR frequency range are obtained by using the Hanai–Bruggeman equation for two solids (sand and clay grains) and two fluids (LNAPL or DNAPL in water or air). The Hanai–Bruggeman exponent (1/3 for spherical particles) is used as a fitting parameter and evaluated for a sand/clay mixture saturated with water. Pride's model predicts increasing conductivity for increasing salinity and decreasing permeability. The best-fit exponent of the Hanai–Bruggeman equation for a sand/clay mixture saturated with water is 0.61, indicating that the shape of the grains has a significant influence on the electromagnetic properties. At radar frequencies, it is possible to distinguish between a water-saturated medium and a NAPL-saturated medium, but LNAPL- and DNAPL-saturated media have very similar electromagnetic properties. The type of contaminant can be better distinguished from the acoustic properties. P-wave velocity increases with frequency, and has dissimilar behaviour for wet and dry soils.

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