화재 시 이동약자의 대피를 위한 계단이동장치 디자인연구

Background When fire occurs abruptly in buildings, residents have to evacuate the buildings by stairs instead of the elevator. In such cases, wheelchair users and old people who have difficulty in movement are unable to evacuate properly and are at high risk of encountering an accident. To solve this problem, some stair movement equipment was developed by companies both in Korea and abroad. However, they still have many issues to be addressed in terms of usability. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to present equipment design for stair movement by which people with mobility impairment such as wheelchair users and old people can evacuate rapidly via stairs. Methods For this study we have identified characteristics of fires which occur in tall buildings such as evacuation routes including stairs, people with mobility impairment and stair movement equipment. Secondly, we also have carried out a comparative analysis of existing stair movement equipment developed in Korea and abroad from the perspective of ‘ease of use’, ‘ease of movement’, ‘safety’, ‘economics’, ‘appearance’ and ‘lightness’ . Thirdly, using stair movement equipment developed by Easy-move Co. in Korea, we have conducted a usability test with the participation of five subjects (three users and two equipment carriers) to identify problems and user requirements related to the equipment. Lastly, based on design directions established by synthesizing the results of the above research, we have proposed new design of stair movement equipment. Results In order to reduce the time taken to fasten safety belts of the equipment, retractable belts are installed which prevent stair movement equipment belts from getting caught between user’s lap and the seat. Retractable belts are returned to their original position after use. Handles are attached to diagonal frames which connect the seat and backrest to reduce user’s fear when going down. In addition, instructions showing how to use the equipment in four steps from fastening belts to going down stairs with a pictogram and the Korean alphabet are placed on the back of the backrest to help the person carrying the equipment to refer to it. Conclusion In our final design, we have tried to reduce production costs by using a main frame, caterpillar and caster of stair movement equipment with existing ones which are available on the market without disharmonizing its appearance. In the near future, we will make a working mock-up and conduct additional usability tests with it to obtain users" feedback for commercializing the final design.