Successes, Limitations, and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science

Introduction: Needs and Concerns in Ecosystem Science Cultural Eutrophication of Inland, Estuarine, and Coastal Waters Managing Forests as Ecosystems: A Success Story or a Challenge Ahead? Wastelands to Wetlands: Links Between Habitat Protection and Ecosystem Science Riparian Forest Ecosystems as Filters for Nonpoint Source Pollution Ecological Research in Agricultural Ecosystems: Contributions to Ecosystem Science and to the Management of Agronomic Resources Progress in Understanding Biogeochemical Cycles at Regional to Global Scales Acid Deposition Research and Ecosystem Science: Synergistic Successes Empirical and Theorectical Ecology as a Basis for Restoration: An Ecological Success Story Limitations to Intellectual Progress in Ecosystem Science Improving Links Between Ecosystem Scientists and Managers The Need for Large-Scale Experiments to Assess and Predict the Response of Ecosystems to Perturbation Ecosytem Approaches to the Management and Allocation of Critical Resources Ecosystems and Problems of Measurement at Large Spatial Scales Integration of Ecophysiological and Biogeochemical Approaches to Ecosystem Dynamics Simulation Modeling in Ecosystem