Usefulness of fine needle aspiration of the thyroid in an endemic goiter region.

The accuracy of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of the thyroid was addressed in 142 nodular goiters from an endemic goiter region. The aspirations and their interpretation were based on the methodology of the Karolinska Hospital. For practical purposes, the follicular lesions were divided into type I (benign), type II (atypical benign) and type III (suspicious). Excluding the follicular lesions, the cytohistologic agreement for the whole series was 87%, with a correlation of 81.5% for carcinomas. The type I and type II follicular lesions were benign on histologic grounds; 39% of the carcinomas were detected in the type III follicular lesions. The 0.7% false-positive diagnoses increased to 15% when type III follicular lesions were included. No false negatives were recorded. These observations, together with the increase of surgically resected thyroid carcinomas after FNA was accepted as a diagnostic modality, indicate that FNA biopsy of the thyroid is an accurate diagnostic method and is useful in selecting patients for subsequent surgery in areas of endemic goiter.