Survey of motorcycles in Sydney, 1986

The report presents detailed results of a motorcycle observational survey in the Sydney metropolitan area during 1986. Data are also presented for some variables to enable trends to be analysed from 1975 to 1986. Survey teams collected data related to motorcycle and motorcyclists safety issues. These included helmet types and usage, daytime headlamp usage and motorcycle characteristics such as colour, capacity, make and type. The surveys were undertaken in a variety of weather and lighting conditions. For 1986 the overall helmet wearing rate was 97.4 Per cent, a decrease of 1.1 Percentage points compared to 1985. The percentage of motorcycles with the headlamp on during daylight was 65.5 Per cent (all weather conditions). Most motorcycles were a dark colour with 20.7 Per cent being red. Motorcycle riders also tended to wear dark colours with 55.9 Per cent wearing black coats and 13.9 Per cent using blue coats (a).