Success History-Based Adaptive Differential Evolution Using Turning-Based Mutation

Single objective optimization algorithms are the foundation of establishing more complex methods, like constrained optimization, niching and multi-objective algorithms. Therefore, improvements to single objective optimization algorithms are important because they can impact other domains as well. This paper proposes a method using turning-based mutation that is aimed to solve the problem of premature convergence of algorithms based on SHADE (Success-History based Adaptive Differential Evolution) in high dimensional search space. The proposed method is tested on the Single Objective Bound Constrained Numerical Optimization (CEC2020) benchmark sets in 5, 10, 15, and 20 dimensions for all SHADE, L-SHADE, and jSO algorithms. The effectiveness of the method is verified by population diversity measure and population clustering analysis. In addition, the new versions (Tb-SHADE, TbL-SHADE and Tb-jSO) using the proposed turning-based mutation get apparently better optimization results than the original algorithms (SHADE, L-SHADE, and jSO) as well as the advanced DISH and the jDE100 algorithms in 10, 15, and 20 dimensional functions, but only have advantages compared with the advanced j2020 algorithm in 5 dimensional functions.