In papers published previously, we discussed the oscillation wavelength shift of a semiconductor laser in a magnetic field at room temperature. Observations were carried out by means of a monochromator that was able to measure the oscillation wavelength shift in a steady state only and that was subject to a certain degree of measurement error. In this work, we used the beat note between two semiconductor lasers as a means of observing the wavelength shift. This method reduces the overall measurement error to about one tenth that obtained when using the monochromator and enables us to observe the time dependence of the wavelength shift, after establishing a magnetic field. The observed wavelength shift was delayed in comparison with the square of the magnetic flux density, which is proportional to the wavelength shift in a steady state. The delay was about 0.07 s, which is much longer than we actually expected, when changing the temperature in an active layer. © 1998 Scripta Technica. Electr Eng Jpn, 122(3): 46–54, 1998