공공건축물의 건축디자인 평가 및 향상 도구 개발에 관한 연구

The purpose of this study is to develop the Design Index of Architectural Design Evaluation & Enhancement Tool(ADEET) of public buildings to utilize the Pre-Qualification of Public Procurement Service. For this Design Index, we have conducted verification regarding design Index development and operation through the experts advice, the importance research of design index on experts group and the pilot test during the research process. Developed design categories and design detail index of ADEET is organized as follows. Design categories have developed six such as Public and Harmony, Access, Landscape Design, Space, Sustainable Design, Technique and Performance. Detail Design Index of ADEET have developed all 24. Proposed design categories consist of design, function, environmental and technology of public buildings that include building overall area and possible to evaluation and review of design. ADEET is apply on brief phases and design phases. Results of each phases present as a visual graph and quantitative figure. Through this present, design objective and level of project is suggested to appropriate architectural design such as program, function, and distinctiveness etc. Also, various groups including experts and general public can be completed to the architectural design during the project.