Gas-phase single-shot thermometry at 1 kHz using fs-CARS spectroscopy.

Single-laser-shot temperature measurements at a data rate of 1 kHz employing femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (fs-CARS) spectroscopy of N(2) are demonstrated. The measurements are performed using a chirped-probe pulse to map the time-dependent frequency-spread dephasing of the Raman coherence, which is created by approximately 80-fs pump and Stokes beams, into the spectrum of the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering signal pulse. Temperature is determined from the spectral shape of the fs-CARS signal for probe delays of approximately 2 ps with respect to the pump-Stokes excitation. The accuracy and precision of the measurements for the 300-2400 K range are found to be approximately 1%-6% and approximately 1.5%-3%, respectively.