Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) is an important imaging modality for remote sensing applications in many fields, including oceanic and atmospheric sciences [1], agriculture [2], defense, and space exploration [3]. Despite the richer potential of HSI sensors for scientific studies and applications, engineering tradeoffs, such as memory and communication bandwidth constraints, typically favor multispectral (MSI) sensor designs. We outline here continuing work which utilizes the statistical structure of HSI in order to extrapolate HSI-resolution spectra from more limited multi-spectral measurements. Accurate spectral super-resolution can substantially extend the utility of current and legacy MSI sensors, as well as open up the engineering design space of future missions. Ideally, both high spatial and high spectral resolution can be obtained with a combination of heritage optical design and sparse signal processing. While previous works on this topic demonstrate success on resolving MSI data simulated by artificially blurring real HSI images [4, 5], we demonstrate the utility of our methods on resolving real MSI data and validating the results by comparing to HSI images of the same scene. Specifically, we take geographically co-located oceanic water-color images taken by the VIIRS MSI imager [6] and the HICO HSI imager [7] and demonstrate that the proposed methodology can extrapolate HICO-resolution spectra from the more limited VIIRS measurements. Our proposed methodology is based on recent advances in sparsity-based signal processing. Sparsity-based techniques seek to describe data via a parsimonious representation in a large ambient space. In particular, given a large dictionary of feature vectors, sparse methods attempt to recover the smallest number of these features which explain the observation. Sparsity-based signal processing has proven invaluable in obtaining state-of-the-art solution to many linear inverse problems [8], and recent work demonstrates the applicability of sparsity based methods to HSI data. In fact both spatial and spectral sparsity has been used in the HSI literature for spectral unmixing [9, 10], classification [11], spectral dictionary learning [12, 4], and spatial super-resolution [13].
Christopher J. Rozell,et al.
Spectral Superresolution of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Reweighted $\ell_{1}$ Spatial Filtering
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
Michael Elad,et al.
On the Role of Sparse and Redundant Representations in Image Processing
Proceedings of the IEEE.
John B. Greer,et al.
Sparse Demixing of Hyperspectral Images
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
Peter J. Minnett,et al.
An overview of MODIS capabilities for ocean science observations
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens..
Michael Corson,et al.
Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean: instrument description and first images.
Applied optics.
Bruno A. Olshausen,et al.
Learning Sparse Codes for Hyperspectral Imagery
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
John R. Miller,et al.
Integrated narrow-band vegetation indices for prediction of crop chlorophyll content for application to precision agriculture
Stanley Osher,et al.
A split Bregman method for non-negative sparsity penalized least squares with applications to hyperspectral demixing
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.
J. Kerekes,et al.
Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
Robert Arnone,et al.
Evaluating VIIRS ocean color products for west coast and Hawaiian waters
Defense, Security, and Sensing.
Antonio J. Plaza,et al.
Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Guillermo Sapiro,et al.
Learning Discriminative Sparse Representations for Modeling, Source Separation, and Mapping of Hyperspectral Imagery
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Stanley Osher,et al.
L1 unmixing and its application to hyperspectral image enhancement
Defense + Commercial Sensing.