A representation for dynamic graphs in reconfigurable hardware and its application to fundamental graph algorithms

This paper gives a representation for graph data structures as electronic circuits in reconfigurable hardware. Graph properties, such as vertex reachability, are computed quickly by exploiting a graph's edge parallelism—signals propagate along many graph edges concurrently. This new representation admits arbitrary graphs in which vertices/edges may be inserted and deleted dynamically at low cost—graph modification does not entail any re-fitting of the graph's circuit. Dynamic modification is achieved by rewriting cells in a reconfigurable hardware array. Dynamic graph algorithms are given for vertex reachability, transitive closure, shortest unit path, cycle detection, and connected-component identification. On the task of computing a graph's transitive closure, for example, simulation of such a dynamic graph processor indicates possible speedups greater than three orders of magnitude compared to an efficient software algorithm running on a contemporaneously fast uniprocessor. Implementation of a prototype in an FPGA verifies the accuracy of the simulation and demonstrates that a practical and efficient (compact) mapping of the graph construction is possible in existing FPGA architectures. In addition to speeding conventional graph computations with dynamic graph processors, we note their potential as parallel graph reducers implementing general (Turing equivalent) computation.