Estimation of Chlorophyll Content in Potato Leaves Based on Spectral Red Edge Position

Abstract In order to indicate the growth of potato crops and provide guidance for precision management, non-destructive testing techniques for chlorophyll content and mapping methods were studied for potato crops. In this paper, the hyperspectral imaging technique was used to estimate the chlorophyll content index and help to describe chlorophyll distribution of potato leaf The hyperspectral images of 65 potato leaves were collected and divided into 400 regions of interesting (ROI). Meanwhile, the SPAD values of these 400 ROI samples were measured. After extracting and calculating the average leaf spectrum of the chlorophyll measurement area, the optimal red edge position was between approximately 702 nm and 706 nm. Thus, an estimating model for chlorophyll content in potato leaves was established based on red edge position. The determination coefficient was 0.8682. Finally, a set of mapping software for rapid detection of chlorophyll distribution in potato leaves was developed. It provides a method for the estimation of chlorophyll distribution in the future.