Allosteric communication between ligand binding domains modulates substrate inhibition in adenylate kinase

Enzymes play a vital role in life processes; they control chemical reactions and allow functional cycles to be synchronized. Many enzymes harness large-scale motions of their domains to achieve tremendous catalytic prowess and high selectivity for specific substrates. One outstanding example is provided by the three-domain enzyme adenylate kinase (AK), which catalyzes phosphotransfer between ATP to AMP. Here we study the phenomenon of substrate inhibition by AMP and its correlation with domain motions. Using single-molecule FRET spectroscopy, we show that AMP does not block access to the ATP binding site, neither by competitive binding to the ATP cognate site nor by directly closing the LID domain. Instead, inhibitory concentrations of AMP lead to a faster and more cooperative domain closure by ATP, leading in turn to an increased population of the closed state. The effect of AMP binding can be modulated through mutations throughout the structure of the enzyme, as shown by the screening of an extensive AK mutant library. Mutation of multiple conserved residues leads to increased substrate inhibition, suggesting a positive selection during evolution. Combining these insights, we developed a model that explains the complex activity of AK, particularly substrate inhibition, based on the experimentally observed opening and closing rates. Notably, the model indicates that the catalytic power is affected by the microsecond balance between the open and closed states of the enzyme. Our findings highlight the crucial role of protein motions in enzymatic activity. Significance Statement How conformational dynamics affect the catalytic activity of enzymes remains a topic of active debate. We focus here on the domain closure dynamics of adenylate kinase (AK) and how they are affected by substrate inhibition. By screening an extensive mutant library, we show that this feature of the enzyme is well conserved in evolution. Importantly, domain closure is required in order to bring AK’s substrates close together for their chemical reaction; single-molecule FRET studies directly measure the populations of the open and closed states. We find that overpopulation of the closed state can be detrimental to activity. The results allow us to develop a kinetic model that properly accounts for AK kinetics by combining conformational dynamics and biochemical steps.

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