In Memoriam: Philippe Smets (1938-2005)
[1] Branko Ristic,et al. The TBM global distance measure for the association of uncertain combat ID declarations , 2006, Inf. Fusion.
[2] Philippe Smets. Application of the transferable belief model to diagnostic problems , 1998, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[3] Philippe Smets,et al. Implication in fuzzy logic , 1987, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[4] P. Smets. Decision Making in a Context where Uncertainty is Represented by Belief Functions , 2002 .
[5] Hong Xu,et al. A Belief-Function Based Decision Support System , 1993, UAI.
[6] P. Smets. Numerical Representation of Uncertainty. , 1998 .
[7] Didier Dubois,et al. "Not Impossible" vs. "Guaranteed Possible" in Fusion and Revision , 2001, ECSQARU.
[8] P. Smets,et al. Assessing sensor reliability for multisensor data fusion within the transferable belief model , 2004, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics).
[9] Philippe Smets,et al. The degree of belief in a fuzzy event , 1981, Inf. Sci..
[10] Hong Xu,et al. Reasoning in evidential networks with conditional belief functions , 1996, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[11] Philippe Smets,et al. Fuzzy modus ponens: A new model suitable for applications in knowledge‐based systems , 1989, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[12] Philippe Smets,et al. Target identification based on the transferable belief model interpretation of dempster-shafer model , 2004, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans.
[13] Philippe Smets,et al. Epistemic necessity, possibility, and truth. Tools for dealing with imprecision and uncertainty in fuzzy knowledge-based systems , 1989, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[14] Philippe Smets. No Dutch Book can be built against the TBM even though update is not obtained by Bayes rule of conditioning , 1999 .
[15] P. Smets. Data fusion in the transferable belief model , 2000, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Fusion.
[16] Philippe Smets,et al. Belief functions: The disjunctive rule of combination and the generalized Bayesian theorem , 1993, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[17] Philippe Smets. Transferable Belief Model Versus Bayesian Model , 1988, ECAI.
[18] Philippe Smets,et al. Decision making in the TBM: the necessity of the pignistic transformation , 2005, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[19] Michel Grabisch,et al. Using the transferable belief model and a qualitative possibility theory approach on an illustrative example: The assessment of the value of a candidate * , 2001, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[20] Philippe Smets,et al. The Normative Representation of Quantified Beliefs by Belief Functions , 1997, Artif. Intell..
[21] Branko Ristic,et al. Kalman filter and joint tracking and classification based on belief functions in the TBM framework , 2007, Inf. Fusion.
[22] Philippe Smets,et al. The Nature of the Unnormalized Beliefs Encountered in the Transferable Belief Model , 1992, UAI.
[23] Philippe Smets,et al. The Canonical Decomposition of a Weighted Belief , 1995, IJCAI.
[24] Philippe Smets,et al. Probability, Possibility, Belief: Which and Where? , 1998 .
[25] Hong Xu,et al. Some strategies for explanations in evidential reasoning , 1996, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A.
[26] Philippe Smets,et al. The Transferable Belief Model for Quantified Belief Representation , 1998 .
[27] Philippe Smets,et al. Varieties of ignorance and the need for well-founded theories , 1991, Inf. Sci..
[28] Philippe Smets,et al. The Transferable Belief Model , 1994, Artif. Intell..
[29] P. Smets. Application of the transferable belief model to diagnostic problems , 1998 .
[30] Philippe Smets,et al. Computational aspects of the Mobius transformation , 1990, UAI.
[31] Didier Dubois,et al. Responses to Elkan (Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Philippe Smets) , 1994, IEEE Expert.
[32] Kathryn B. Laskey,et al. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 15 , 1999 .
[33] Frank Klawonn,et al. The Dynamic of Belief in the Transferable Belief Model and Specialization-Generalization Matrices , 1992, UAI.
[34] Philippe Smets,et al. What is Dempster-Shafer's model? , 1994 .
[35] Philippe Smets,et al. Practical Uses of Belief Functions , 1999, UAI.
[36] P. Garbolino. Quantified Uncertainty. A Bayesian Viewpoint , 1991 .
[37] P. Smets,et al. The measure of the degree of truth and the grade of membership , 1988 .
[38] Ph. Smets. Theory of Evidence and Medical Diagnostic , 1978 .
[39] Philippe Smets,et al. Fast Algorithms for Dempster-Shafer Theory , 1990, IPMU.
[40] P. Smets. Probability of a fuzzy event: An axiomatic approach , 1982 .
[41] Philippe Smets,et al. The transferable belief model and random sets , 1992, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[42] Didier Dubois,et al. Representing partial ignorance , 1996, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A.
[43] Branko Ristic,et al. Kalman Filter and Joint Tracking and Classification in the TBM framework , 2004 .
[44] Khaled Mellouli,et al. Belief decision trees: theoretical foundations , 2001, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[45] Didier Dubois,et al. New Semantics for Quantitative Possibility Theory , 2001, ECSQARU.
[46] Didier Dubois,et al. A definition of subjective possibility , 2008, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[47] Philippe Smets. Quantifying Beliefs by Belief Functions: An Axiomatic Justification , 1993, IJCAI.
[48] Philippe Smets,et al. Resolving misunderstandings about belief functions , 1992, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[49] Philippe Smets,et al. Belief functions: The disjunctive rule of combination and the generalized Bayesian theorem , 1993, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[50] Philippe Smets,et al. Constructing the Pignistic Probability Function in a Context of Uncertainty , 1989, UAI.
[52] Philippe Smets,et al. Data association in multi‐target detection using the transferable belief model , 2001, Int. J. Intell. Syst..
[53] P. Smets. Managing deceitful reports with the transferable belief model , 2005, 2005 7th International Conference on Information Fusion.
[54] Khaled Mellouli,et al. Belief function independence: II. The conditional case , 2002, Int. J. Approx. Reason..
[55] Philippe Smets. The transferable belief model and other interpretations of Dempster-Shafer's model , 1990, UAI.
[56] P. Smets,et al. Target identification using belief functions and implication rules , 2005, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
[57] Philippe Smets,et al. The Combination of Evidence in the Transferable Belief Model , 1990, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell..
[58] P. Smets. Medical diagnosis: Fuzzy sets and degrees of belief , 1981 .
[59] Khaled Mellouli,et al. Belief function independence: I. The marginal case , 2002, Int. J. Approx. Reason..