Geothermal Exploration in Nigeria

The geological structure of Nigeria influences geothermal exploration extent within each geological province. Sedimentary basins in Nigeria have been explored for hydrocarbons for several decades, thus the oil companies collected large subsurface temperature data basis. But not much is known about geothermal conditions within Nigerian Precambrian crystalline province. On the basis of BHT data from oil wells it has been found that geothermal gradient in Niger Delta ranges from 1.3 to 4.7°C/100m and in Anambra Basin (directly to the north) it can reach 5.5°C/100m. Exploration for geothermal energy in northern Nigeria based on shallow water wells (down to 500 m deep) was carried out over 20 years ago. Research was concentrated mainly on geothermal conditions within Sokoto and Nigerian part of Chad sedimentary basins, where relatively high geothermal gradients were found: 7.6° and 5.9°C/100m respectively. In north-western Nigeria the geothermal anomaly of Sokoto basin extends to the Niger territory. The other aspect of geothermal exploration in Nigeria is investigating of the thermal springs and seepages, which occur mainly within sediments of the Middle and Upper Benue Trough. The water of the warmest springs in that area: Akiri and Ruwan Zafi have the temperature about 54°C and it suggests the occurrence of some geothermal anomalies. So far, there is probably the only one (direct) geothermal energy utilisation site in Nigeria. It is a swimming pool where water from Ikogosi warm spring (37°C) is used. It is located in south-western part of the country, in Ekiti state.