The Endless Polymer Science Frontier

From the ACS meeting There is hardly an aspect of our lives that is not touched by synthetic polymers. All of us, by quickly looking around our laboratories, offices, and homes, could easily identify a score of examples of polymers in use as commercial products, packaging, and coatings. There is little doubt that, as the 21st century progresses and polymer science and technology develops, polymeric materials will further impact our lives in a variety of ways. But how? A symposium titled "Frontiers for Polymer Science in the 21st Century" set out to provide some pointers and in particular to showcase hot new areas of polymer research. It was organized by the Macromolecular Secretariat and cosponsored with the Cellulose, Paper & Textile Division, the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, the Division of Polymer Chemistry, and the Rubber Division. The symposium was chaired by S. Richard Turner, a research fellow in the Polymers ...