Study of the effect of temperature on the optical connectors

High requirements in terms of purity, quality, mechanical design and method of grinding are placed on the optical connectors. Connectors are mostly exhibited to the negative effects, such as temperature, humidity, dusty environments, etc. The effects of temperature on the optical fiber are already known and well described. However, the way in which the temperature change has effect on different types of connectors is not yet well understood and validated. Therefore it was necessary to find the answers within this article to the questions whether a change in temperature has the effect on the connector return loss and if so how big. The dependence of the attenuation coefficient on temperature change for the specific connector is also studied within the article. This allows determining how significant influence the choice of the type of ferrule on the return loss is. The three most commonly used types of connectors SC, FC and E-2000 with PC and APC polishing were selected. To describe the negative effects the dependence of return loss on temperature was chosen. The return loss was chosen because it is one of the key parameters that describes connectors and is measured in practice. Measuring instruments from EXFO model AXS-200/350 were used for the measurements. Measurements were carried out on single-mode fiber SMF 652.D at wavelengths of 1310 nm and 1550 nm. The transmission method was selected for the measurement. Measurements on each connector were performed 30 times and statistical model was compiled from the measured return loss.