Summary of Student Panel Discussion at Philadelphia ORSA/TIMS Meeting

At the graveyard session (Friday afternoon) at the Philadelphia ORSA/TIMS Meeting, there was a lively panel discussion entitled “What's Wrong With Current OR Curricula”. Though this was not a new topic, the viewpoint may have been, as the panelists were all current students in OR programs. The session, which the authors chaired, was sponsored by the ORSA Student Affairs Committee. The panelists were sent four questions well before the Philadelphia meeting. This gave them the opportunity to develop their own thoughts on these, as well as to get feedback from their colleagues. In addition, they were asked to prepare written responses to these questions. This is an excellent practice which was started in an Education Committee panel discussion in Las Vegas chaired by Rich Burton and Dave Schrady. Fortunately, in Interfaces we have a forum for passing this information on to interested members of the community who weren't able to attend the session.