Biomechanical Analysis of Indy Race Car Crashes
This paper describes the results of an ongoing project in the GM Motorsports Safety Technology Research Program (MSTRP) to investigate lndianapolis-type (Indy car) race car crashes using an on-board impact recorder as the primary data collection tool. The paper discusses the development of specifications for the impact-recording device, the selection of the specific recorder, and its implementation on a routine basis in Indy car racing. The results from incidents that produced significant data during the racing seasons from 1993 through the first half of 1998 are summarized. Examples of impact recordings are given which are remarkable in terms of the severity of crashes and, in most cases, the resulting lack of significant injuries. A total of 202 cases with peak decelerations above 20 G are summarized. The mean peak rigid body chassis decelerations for the sample were on the order of 53 G. Peak decelerations in excess of 60 G (some as high as 127 G) have been recorded for significant durations in many frontal, side, and rear impacts. Associated mean total velocity change was 28.3 mph for the sample. The relatively tight coupling of the driver's torso to the chassis allows direct inferences of the loads on the torso, particularly in side impacts. The data calls into question the use of chest acceleration as an injury assessment criterion in both frontal and side impacts. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD E201429.
[1] Kenneth J. Baron,et al. Anthropometry of Indy Car Drivers , 1994 .
[2] John W. Melvin,et al. Investigation of Indy Car Crashes Using Impact Recorders , 1996 .
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